Boots’s Love Story

This handsome young boy is Boots, a charming and friendly orange tabby with a heart of gold! This dashing young feline is looking for his forever home and is ready to fill your life with love and laughter. Boots is a lover of all things food related and will purr loudly when offered a tasty treat or meal. He will also meow to let you know if you aren’t prompt enough for dinner. He’s a social butterfly who loves spending time with other cats, snuggling, playing and generally just being around them, which makes him the perfect companion for any existing feline friends in your household, which his now forever home does have. He’s a playful and energetic kitten who will keep you entertained with his silly (and sometimes clumsy) antics. Boots now has a husky brother named Zuko, their birthdays are so close together, they’re practically twins. They’ll have no trouble becoming besties!