Buttercup, Toffee and Daisy’s Love Story

Buttercup and Toffee were rescued from a hoarding situation. Toffee came to us very pregnant and about ready to burst! About a week after she arrived at the rescue, she gave birth to four healthy, happy and adorable little baby guinea pigs and she turned out to be a fabulous mom. Much to our surprise, a few weeks later, Buttercup also popped out a single baby! Once all Toffee’s babies were weaned and adopted, Buttercup and her baby Daisy were adopted along with Toffee into a fantastic guinea pig loving home where they are getting lots of treats, play time and attention. They have a whole play room to themselves and some other female guinea pig friends to spend their days with, we so are excited for them and very happy that these amazing mamas are getting to have some time to enjoy themselves too!