Cola’s Love Story

Cola is a mellow and relaxed personality that will instantly melt away your stress. With his gentle nature and charming quirks, Cola is sure to steal your heart. He’s the type of kitten who knows how to appreciate the simple joys in life. Whether it’s basking in the sunlight streaming through the window or peacefully snoozing in a cozy spot, Cola has mastered the art of relaxation. With him by your side, you’ll learn to slow down, savor the moment, and find contentment in life’s little pleasures. One of Cola’s favorite activities is being held and cuddled. He adores being cradled in your arms, purring contently as you shower him with affection. When Cola does engage in playtime, he prances sideways before pouncing on his siblings, it’s funny to watch. It adds an element of whimsy and charm to his frolics, turning every play session into a delightful spectacle. But perhaps one of Cola’s most endearing traits is his love for lounging on his back. So glad he has found a forever home with a new baby where they can grow to become best friends and create an unbreakable bond.