Cowboy’s Love Story

Cowboy is one of the most affectionate, brave, outgoing and friendly cats that One Love has seen yet. He is the definition of chill and easygoing. As long as he is with his people, he is content as can be. He loves rolling on his back and being pet. Tummy rubs are his favorite. He struggled with some health issues when he first came into the rescue, but with some TLC that got quickly cleared up. His forever family fell in love right away (I mean, how could you not with a boy as charming as Cowboy!?) and they were so, so patient in waiting for him to get all his vetting done and be 100% ready to go before officially taking him home. We are happy to say he is now with an amazing family getting and giving love to all of them and we know he is going to have an amazing life with them. Yay for Cowboy!