Cruella’s Love Story

Cruella was rescued from a feral colony of cats and came into the rescue with a serious eye infection. Cruella was adopted into a home with two young boys, one of whom won a successful battle with leukemia. All these boys wanted for years was a cat, you could say that they were truly kitten obsessed. Now their wishes have come true with the addition of Cruella into their family. Her long black and white hair, black diamond marking on her nose, and big green eyes have truly captured the hearts of everyone in her new family. And now she has not one but two boys to give her pets and brush her long hair. She is very affectionate, loves the attention, and shows her appreciation by purring the moment one of her new family members picks her up. The boys finally got their long awaited kitten, and Cruella got her forever home. Things couldn’t have worked out any better.