Dolores’s Love Story

Dolores was found as a very pregnant stray on one of the worst rainy days in Southern California – she ran inside someone’s home looking for a dry place to have her babies and within 15 minutes of being inside she had her babies. The next day she found her way to us. She was the absolute best mom around to her adorable litter of five kittens (Clementine, Maeve, Logan. Teddy and Bernard). Dolores went through a lot and was ready to have a rest and find her forever home that she could call her very own. We are so happy that she found just that, a family who loves and adores her, and is even building her very own catio.  Dolores is basically everything you could ask for in a cat. She is extremely well balanced and is a combination of affectionate yet independent, sweet and intelligent, playful but gentle. She enjoys being pet and brushed by her people. She will rub up on her people’s legs to let them know she wants some love. Dolores went through some rough times in the past, but it’s smooth sailing from here on out with a family who loves her and gives her all the love and affection in the world.