Donald and Daisy’s Love Story

Donald and Daisy came in from the county shelter and despite being a bit scared when they came in, they grew into the most amazing duo ever. They are an adorable pair of ducks that do absolutely anything by each other’s side. They love to swim and play in water, nibble on the plants and grub around them, waddle around, and fluff their wings. They are friendly with other animals, as they loved playing with and being around the tortoises at the rescue and would follow them around everywhere. Consistent with the original cartoon Disney characters they are named after, they are silly and cute ducks that are great friends with each other and quack in conversation often. They now live their dream life with an owner who has many acres of land with 3 natural spring water ponds and quite a few tortoises to make them feel right at home. Everyone at One Love got really attached to them and while we miss them so, so much, we are happy that Donald and Daisy are living the happy life they very much deserve with other duck friends to keep them company!