Flash’s Love Story

Flash is a goofy, loving, playful, crazy boy who ended up on the euthanasia list at a local county shelter. One Love was able to get him out just in time. He had a lot of “big” puppy energy and was so fun to have around. He loves to run and is so fast he just looks like a blur of fur passing by, hence why his name fit him so well. When he got tired though he crashed hard, he would sleep so deep his tongue would hang out. It was the cutest! It didn’t take long for him to find his forever home and he was lucky enough to even have multiple options as far as families who wanted to take him in, which isn’t always the case for rescued animals. He picked the one that was right for him (they had big dogs before and knew just what Flash needed to be happy) and now he is living the good life with his new family, going on walks to the beach, eating at restaurants and more. He is loving all the attention, exercise, and social outings he is getting with his new forever family and we couldn’t be happier that this amazing boy found his family.