Harley’s Love Story

Harley’s adoption was the most bittersweet for the rescue team. She was a bit of a troublemaker but she was so, so loved by the whole team. She was definitely the most behaviorally challenging of all of the animals we have had to date and gave us quite a few headaches during her few time with the rescue. After lots and lots of patience, training and TLC – Harley finally decided she would accept us and when she did, it was the most glorious and rewarding feeling ever. She became a total cuddly lovebug who would give kisses and LOVED to dance (especially to Taylor Swift) – a completely different bird than the nervous, shy, loud and nippy bird she came in as. We went through lots of potential homes and it took almost two years for her to find the right one, but we are so very happy she finally did. We miss our sweet and goofy Harley Marley dearly, but we know she is in great hands with her new dad who is giving her lots of love, laughs, treats and outdoor time. Yay for Harley!