Licorice and Popcorn’s Love Story

Licorice and Popcorn, could there be a more adorable pair? They were found as strays before coming to the rescue along with their brother Icee. With fur black as the night sky but a personality as sweet as a treat (Licorice), and with a beautiful soft watercolor coat of a dilute tortoiseshell and bouncy, active, always looking for an adventure attitude (Popcorn), these super siblings are a joy to be around. Licorice and Popcorn found their forever home with a young family who spared no expense and attended to absolutely every kitty cat detail. Every room in the home has been transformed into a cat haven, with no end to the activities and enrichment for the kittens. Not only did this family do extensive research before adopting these kittens, but they just have extremely big hearts. These kittens are absolutely perfect for this family, and they have even discovered that when they play the guitar, Licorice will actually hang out and attentively listen. Licorice and Popcorn are so happy in their forever home where they are spoiled and loved, just like every kitten should be.