Little Bear’s Love Story

Little Bear is such a sweet and gently boy. He loves to play and cuddle. He gave us quite the scare when on our normal routine testing, he tested positive for FeLV. FeLV is a very scary kitty virus that sometimes can be transmitted at birth. He wasn’t exhibiting any symptoms which was a good thing, but, we still watched closely and gave him lots of supportive care to be safe. His mom was committed to adopting him either way and giving him the absolute best life, no matter his prognosis. About 4 months later we re-tested him (since sometimes kittens can falsely test positive due to having mom’s antibodies in their system) and he tested negative which is great news. His mom went through so much with him and was so relieved that he was clear of the virus. He couldn’t have found a better, more loving home with her and we are all so happy that they get to live happily ever after together.