Logan’s Love Story

Little Logan was found as a stray before coming to the rescue. She is basically a lion trapped in the body of a kitten. She is a firecracker and does not have a shy bone in her body. She is confident, outgoing, affectionate, and honestly a little crazy (but the good kind of crazy). She is always the first to greet you when you come into a room and is very vocal in her thoughts on if you were gone too long. She can climb anything (including your pant leg) to get what she wants. She wants to be in the middle of everything going on and will follow you to where the action is so she can feel like she is part of the family. When she’s not getting her kitten energy out, she is very content to crash in her person’s lap or cuddle up in bed next to her person. Logan’s pet parent is retired so she gets to spend all day in her owner’s arms, lap, sweater pocket or on her shoulder. Basically wherever her person is, Logan is there too. These two are just purrfect for each other, and we couldn’t imagine a better match!