Orson’s Love Story

Orson was surrendered when his original owner had to move and could not take his cats with him. Orson is so outgoing, curious and affectionate – he is a very friendly boy! He loves affection and attention so much that he used to get lonely and cry if he was left alone, but now he is happy and is lavished with love and attention constantly by his new adopter who spends lots of time with Orson. He also gained a new cat sister and though she was apprehensive at first, Orson weaved his way into her heart, and now they’re inseparable.   He loves to snuggle up with his new favorite person and favorite sister, just to be near them. We are so happy that Orson found his Forever Home with someone who spends so much time with him and has limitless love for Orson – she also happens to be a friend of one of the One Love volunteers so we get to stay in touch and get lots of updates on him.