Pumba and Hermosa’s Love Story

Pumba and Hermosa came from different litters. Pumba was found in the middle of the street with a sibling while Hermosa came to the rescue from an L.A. shelter along with her mother and siblings.  Both kittens were the last of their siblings to be adopted so they wound up together in a foster home. Once there, they became extremely bonded, and when it was time for them to be adopted their foster could not bare to separate the two. Fortunately the foster decided to adopt both kittens and keep them together! This was such great news for the happy pair. Pumba loves to play and do zoomies with Hermosa. When they get all tired out they go to their owner for snuggles and pets and Hermosa purrs so loud she sounds like a motor boat. It is very obvious that these two kittens fit Just purrrfectly in their forever home, and we are glad they are both so happy!