Reba’s Love Story

Reba came to One Love as a young stray kitten with her mom. She has grown into such a fun-loving and cuddly cat. She is about at the teenager age, but truly the curiosity and playfulness she showed as a kitten is here to stay. She is so easygoing and will let you hold her like a baby, dance with her and she isn’t even at all phased by barking dogs. Her favorite activity is to play in boxes, and she will play in them for hours upon hours-as long as you let her. When she is not playing in boxes, she makes a fantastic cuddler and loves to make a person feel warm and loved by sitting in their lap and cuddling beside you in bed at night. Her new forever family basically fell in love with her at first sight and knew she was the right cat for them. She is now loving her new life with her two chihuahua brothers and two human sisters that she gets to boss around.