Ruth’s Love Story

Ruth came to the rescue as an owner surrender. Ruth is a sweet and quiet girl who is a bit on the shy side at first. So it really took a special, very patient person to accept the fact that Ruth doesn’t like change, and new people and places tend to freak her out a tad. Her new owner was just that person who gave Ruth the time she needed to feel comfortable, and once she was, she was as loving as can be. Ruth loves to be wrapped in blankets and will even snuggle herself under them on her own. She really has a thing for any toy that has catnip in it and will roll all over it and play with it all day long. She is very content to lounge around and relax the day away and is a great couch partner for her new family. It took a very special person indeed to be patient with Ruth but we are so glad they took the chance and she has found her “happily ever after”.