Stevie & Wonder’s Love Story

Little Stevie came into the rescue with both eyes crusted shut and swollen to the size of ping pong balls. His sister Wonder came in with one eye crusted closed and super swollen. Our vet thought that Stevie’s eyes were so bad off that he would have to have them both removed and that Wonder would lose at least one of hers. With some aggressive treatment and lots of TLC, these two made a miraculous recovery and were able to keep all of their eyes. They will always have some vision impairment issues however and since Wonder can see better than Stevie and helps him around, we required that they be adopted together. For these reasons this dynamic duo needed a super special home- and they found it! Stevie can see toys and loves to play with them and also loves pets and cuddles. Wonder loves to be held like a baby and get belly rubs from her new parents. Despite their vision impairments, Stevie and Wonder’s new parents think they are the best cats they’ve ever had. These two really are exactly why we do what we do at the rescue and we are so happy that they found a perfect home that appreciates them the way they area and that will love them forever.