Vegas’s Love Story

Vegas is an extremely cute but shy little boy, He was found with his sisters, when they were all very young, and they soon found their temporary home at One Love, Vegas was originally very shy, a bit on the grumpy side until he got to know and trust you. Then he lived for your attention wanting to be held like a baby and kissed and cuddled all day long. We are happy to report he has found a loving home with a wonderful adopter who happens to be a volunteer and gained a new kitty older brother named Beezlebub. They are both deeply enthralled by him, as his kitty brother never leaves his side, and is always looking to play, cuddle, or much to Vegas’s protest, groom him. His adopter is happy to report he got over his grumpy phase notoriously quickly and turned into quite the little vocal love bug. He’s constantly talking to his adopter about everything if he’s hungry, if he wants attention, how he needs more attention because his brother isn’t giving him enough etc.  Every night now ends with him curled up on his adopter’s chest, next to his brother. He’s found his forever home with his brother and his adopter.