Medical Campaigns

Often times, One Love takes in animals with severe health issues who require costly treatment. Our rehabilitation program focuses on restoring these animals to full health when possible and on providing the animal with the best possible long term quality of life. The success of this program relies 100% on the generosity of our donors. Remember that all donations are tax deductible and any donations made on this page go directly to the selected animal’s treatment. Below are some details on each of our current medical cases.

Help Mama Toni & Babies

It’s been a rough April at One Love and we could use help covering some of our emergency vet bills that came up this month.

Mama Toni stopped eating and nursing her babies and had to make an emergency trip to the vet. Her babies all have URIs and conjunctivitis and are on the mend but require daily syringe feeding, fluids and oral and eye medication since mom isn’t able to nurse them anymore while she recovers.

We also had a litter of kittens  with panleukopenia (basically parvo for cats, it is highly fatal for babies), with aggressive treatment 5 of the 6 kittens survived and are now cleared and doing well, but the cost of intensive treatment was definitely an unexpected hit to our reserve funds. They have cleared the virus and are all now playful and happy and we are so glad we opted to give them the chance they deserved to survive and live happy lives.

Right when we thought we were starting to get a breather, one of our longest residents surprised us with another emergency. Annie has struggled with seizures most of her life, but had gone almost 2 full years being seizure free. Between seizure episodes, she is a happy, affectionate, normal kitty who deserves life. She had a severe seizure episode back in February and again this week that landed her in the emergency vet, so after extensive consultations with her neurologist we have increased her phenobarbital dosage and are hoping this solves the problem, but it was an expensive trip to get the immediate seizure episode stabilized that we could use some help covering (and this is on top of her February bill for about the same amount that we still haven’t fully recouped).

This is just a sampling of some of our more severe cases this month but we’ve also had bills associated with ringworm, ear infections, a broken leg, a calicivirus case and more – all just in April! This is on top of the routine costs of vaccination, spay/neuter and basic supplies required to care for all of the One Love Animals. There’s never a dull moment around here and while it is physically and mentally exhausting work for our dedicated team of fosters and volunteers, it’s all worth it when we get to see the positive outcomes and these deserving kitties finding their perfect forever homes. We are so grateful for our supporters and we wouldn’t be here without you.

If you can find it in your heart to spare a dollar, a case of food or any supplies from our wishlist, it would be immensely appreciated and goes such a long way towards supporting our cause and being the reason these animals get to live.