Lucy’s Love Story

Lucy is a beautiful little silver gray tabby who was found as a stray before coming to the rescue. At her meet and greet her new kitty parents were so well prepared for a new fur baby that they had every kitty cat accessory imaginable, including a very large cat tower. And they immediately fell in love with little Lucy. Well how could they not? Lucy is a very loveable kitten. Lucy is playful and active. She likes chasing toys, pouncing on things and climbing. She truly seems to enjoy the company of humans and actively seeks out her new family for attention and cuddles. She loves to snuggle and enjoys being wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on her people’s chest or in their laps and loves time on her back. She even enjoys being pet on her belly. She is not only great with people, but other pets as well which worked out perfect because included in her new family is a bunny rabbit!