Miss Kitty & Lily’s Love Story

These two were a special case of not one mama cat choosing their people, but two! Both of these pregnant ladies wandered into the same backyard and both had litters of kittens within just a few weeks of each other. 8 beautiful kittens later, and the homeowner decided they needed some help. They reached out to One Love and we got all the kittens (and mamas) vetted and ready for adoption and luckily both mamas got to go home to their original finder who is keeping them both permanently. These two ladies could not be happier and are so glad they get to stay together as they love cuddling and spending time with each other. They are definitely bonded and like to stick together and are so happy to be home (and free of all the kiddos) and able to explore, relax and let their own personalities shine. We couldn’t be happier for these two!