River’s Love Story

River is a very cool and handsome guy, he is so active, sweet and affectionate. He has a mind of his own and is very independent and determined. He was a very popular kitty so he wasn’t with the rescue very long and had a ton more adoption interest than we knew what to do with (which is not a problem we usually have). He even got some interest from the east coast! He ended up with a kind local family who loves him so, so much. He was extra special to us as he was one of the most photogenic kitties we have had in the rescue and his foster was able to get some fantastic pictures of him which were so adorable they actually earned a substantial donation of cat supplies to the rescue from a grant program competition sponsored by GreaterGood (thank you!). All of the One Love kitties (and humans) are so grateful for River’s contribution (albeit unknowing on his part) and miss seeing his cute little face everyday but we know he’s having a great life now and that makes us smile.