Trintiy’s Love Story

Trinity is a sweet, vocal girl full of personality who was left in a box at the rescue’s vet partner. Her older age (around 16 years) doesn’t stop her from doing anything, she still jumps on her cat trees, yells for treat time, and rubs up on legs when she wants affection. She is a sweet girl who likes to be brushed and groomed. She is a senior cat, so she does require some grooming assistance to prevent matting but she enjoys it. She has mildly elevated kidney levels so she does require a special kidney diet but otherwise has a clean bill of health. We are so happy Trinity found such a special forever home to retire to. Her new pet parents were specifically looking for a senior cat, and were ready for any special requirements that might entail. She does not like other cats or dogs (she tolerates them and can co-exist, but she will definitely tell you how much it displeases her). She is the only pet in her new forever home, and that’s just the way Trinity likes it. We are so thankful to the very special family who saw the need to adopt a senior, and chose our sweet Trinity.